Our everyday lives revolve around achieving our daily chores and goals. Take a quick look at the last 24 hours of your life. What if I told you, that you could rewind just one day of your life and help someone else achieve their goal. Ask yourself what you would do different?.
Your goals may be as simple as going to work, achieving targets, buying groceries, etc. But there are people whose daily goal is just to survive into the next day by getting a simple meal for themselves and their families or finding a shelter over their heads to get out of the rain.
Hi, I am Pearl Tirandaz and my life’s journey has taught me that not everyone wants big things out of life. People are happy with the smaller things and are extremely grateful.
Good Deeds Project is my way of giving back to society. I will be spreading awareness by giving out simple ideas, where you don’t need lots of money to help others in need.
I will also be happy if you join me and share your stories and together let’s try to make our society a happier place.
Let’s unite for a better future of the under-privileged. You could too……. Start your Good Deed today.